Friday, January 18, 2008

LTL Architects

Stacked felt and plywood sheets create this dizzying texture. Relatively cheap materials produce a pretty incredible effect. The lighting fixtures also provide brightness for a space that has only one source of natural light and a deep footprint.

Thousands of bamboo skewers create this ceiling texture. It reminds me a lot of Tom Friedman's toothpick sculptures, both in texture and in painstaking effort to create.


courtney said...

the only thing with these little LTL projects, including their ini ani coffee shop is that they haven't held up very well. just a few years later (i visited them last summer) all three projects, esp the felt and cardboard, look really dingy, dented and are delaminating from their backings.

just a thought about our impending use of found/recycled materials and the potential homemade-ness of our construction.

durability is a definite issue...

Bryan said...

Hmmm, I have never seen them in person, so good point!

I could see the materials not holding up as well as they should.